Oleg Dourjaguine alias Oleg Dou est un photographe russe, spécialisé dans le photomontage. Dès son plus jeune âge, il évolue dans un milieu artistique riche et intense, sa mère est une artiste peintre et son père un couturier et, très jeune, il est fasciné par les portraits, et en particulier par les portraits de l’époque de la pré-Renaissance italienne (XIVe siècle).
Oleg Dourjaguine aka Oleg Dou is a Russian photographer, specializing in photomontage. From an early age, he operates in a rich and vibrant artistic community, his mother is a painter and his father a tailor and a very young age he was fascinated by the portraits, especially by the time of portraits Italian pre-Renaissance (fourteenth century).
Oleg Dourjaguine aka Oleg Dou is a Russian photographer, specializing in photomontage. From an early age, he operates in a rich and vibrant artistic community, his mother is a painter and his father a tailor and a very young age he was fascinated by the portraits, especially by the time of portraits Italian pre-Renaissance (fourteenth century).
Au travers de ses clichés, l’artiste aborde des sentiments contraires, associant le beau au laid, la vie à la mort et passe du sublime au répulsif avec des portraits où les regards sont froids, étranges... presque inhumain.
Through his photographs, the artist deals with conflicting emotions, combining beautiful to ugly, life to death and goes from the sublime to the repellent with portraits where looks are cold, strange ... almost inhuman.
Oleg Dou travaille essentiellement sur la question d'une identité post-humaine. Le visage humain devient l'objet de transformations chirurgicales d'une extrême précision. Des êtres hybrides sans identité, évoluant dans un univers surréaliste où tout ce qui pourrait rappeler la chair est effacé, gommé, lissé. La transparence de la peau de porcelaine souligne la fragilité de ces êtres parfaits.
Oleg Dou works mainly on the issue of a post-human identity. The human face becomes the object of surgical transformations of extreme precision. Hybrid beings without identity, evolving into a surreal world where everything that could remind the flesh is deleted, erased, smoothed. The transparency of the porcelain skin underlines the fragility of these perfect beings.
Oleg Dou works mainly on the issue of a post-human identity. The human face becomes the object of surgical transformations of extreme precision. Hybrid beings without identity, evolving into a surreal world where everything that could remind the flesh is deleted, erased, smoothed. The transparency of the porcelain skin underlines the fragility of these perfect beings.
Entre 2007 et 2009, il remporte plusieurs récompenses pour ses photographies (Color Awards, en 2007; International Photography Awards avec sa série Toy Story, en 2008 et Arte Laguna Art prize, en 2009). Et en 2011, la société Artprice le classe dans le top 3 des photographes de moins de 30 ans les plus côtés en ventes publiques
En fin de page vous trouverez un lien pour visiter son site internet ...
Between 2007 and 2009, he won several awards for his photographs (Color Awards, in 2007 International Photography Awards with his series Toy Story in 2008 and Arte Laguna Art prize in 2009). And in 2011, the company Artprice the ranks in the top three photographers under 30 years most sides by public sales.
End of the page you will find a link to visit their website ...
Between 2007 and 2009, he won several awards for his photographs (Color Awards, in 2007 International Photography Awards with his series Toy Story in 2008 and Arte Laguna Art prize in 2009). And in 2011, the company Artprice the ranks in the top three photographers under 30 years most sides by public sales.
End of the page you will find a link to visit their website ...
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Découvrez son travail : http://www.olegdou.com
Check out his work: http://www.olegdou.com
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